RigUp is one of the primary phases to success a MWD/LWD Job, the first step of rigging up equipments is to perform a visit of the installation prior mobilization and take a note of all requirements:
- Sensors requirement and mechanical connections also accessibilities (ex. Space in the draw-work)
- T-piece and hummer union connection type on manifold and goose-neck
- Rig system Profibus and/or Intranet (IP range, gate way etc…)
- MWD unit voltage.
- MWD unit placement hazard zone.
- Rigfloor monitor.
- Radioactive storage area.
- Internet connectivity (redundant if critical Realtime data transmission)
- Tool programming pipe deck zone.
- Cables path optimization (skid zone)
- Surface system and backups.
- Third party WITS requirement.
- PTW (Permit to work procedure instructions)
- Drill pipes connection types.
- Chain tong length and iron roughneck capacity.
- The degree of accessibility of tools on the pipe deck (overhead crane heavy work, restricted, etc…)
A clean rig down will save the equipment from damaging, avoiding forgetting cables or sensors in the installation and damaging the installation of other third party (Like Mud logging company…)